McIlveen Family Law Firm

McIlveen Family Law Firm


McIlveen Family Law Firm

434 Fayetteville St.
Raleigh, NC 27601 | map | directions
Silvia Mullinax Silvia Mullinax
704-865-9011 | fax: (704) 865-9014
Connect With Us

The McIlveen Family Law Firm is an experienced team of family law attorneys and divorce lawyers in North Carolina whose goal is to help you through what is often a very emotional and difficult time. With decades of combined experience, the team of family law attorneys handles all types of NC  family law cases including divorcechild custodymediationhigh asset divorcealimonyproperty divisionseparationprenuptial agreementsgrandparents rightsdomestic violenceadoption, surrogacy, and more. We also help families with estate planning, wills, and probate matters.

Member Since: 2021
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