$40 per employee of member firm $60 per non-member
Platinum Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor Credit Suisse Prepare for the Changing Needs of a Dynamic Workforce
During a time of massive change and growth, the needs of our local talent pipeline are shifting. How are you and your organization preparing for the future of work? Join us on Feb. 20 for Triangle Talent: The Workforce of Tomorrow where we will learn from Rob Humphrey, an executive with LinkedIn. He will discuss these elements that are critical for workforce, education, and business partners to successfully continue recruiting and retaining top talent:
Rob is based in the Triangle and has nearly two decades of experience in the recruiting industry, including nine with LinkedIn. He brings a unique perspective on talent, education, marketing, and the college-to-career transition. You also will hear from a panel of experts who will discuss the latest talent trends, based upon the impact of technology. These talent changes impact all organizations and businesses. Gary Greene, owner of Greene Resources, Inc., will lead the discussion. This is our second annual Triangle Talent event. In 2018, we focused on “Understanding the Skills Gap” and unveiled data from the region’s first workforce skills analysis. The data indicated that more than 70 percent of our existing industries plan to add jobs in the next three years! During that time, the businesses surveyed said they expect to hire between 22,000 and 36,700 people for new jobs. The data also revealed that technology skills are critical across all industry sectors, not just IT. Join us on Feb. 20 for an exploration of what this means for the future of our talent pipeline. Questions? For logistic/registration questions, call 919.664.7090 or email Alicia Miller For program/speaker questions, call 919.664.7049 or email Jennifer Miller Join the conversation on Twitter @Raleighwake @raleighchamber #TriangleTalent