Families Together

Families Together


Families Together

P.O. Box 14395
Raleigh, NC 27620 | map | directions
Kelly Nutty Kelly Nutty
(703) 568-6803
Connect With Us

Our Vision

Our community free of homelessness, with families thriving together.

Our Mission

Through direct support and advocacy, we assist families with children as they transition from homelessness to sustainable housing and stable homes.

Our Vision

Our community free of homelessness, with families thriving together.

Our Belief

We believe every family deserves a home, and children should never have to wonder where they're going to sleep at night. This is why we connect families to stable homes as quickly as possible - and why we remain connected with them to ensure that they begin the process of bettering their lives. Children experiencing homelessness are more likely to drop out of school, be exposed to violence, and face a host of behavioral, social and health issues. Keeping families together during this traumatic time is critical for their success as well as the community's.

To learn more about our values, visit https://familiestogethernc.org/our-missionvisionvalues.

Products and Services
EMERGENCY SHELTER: When a permanent home is not immediately available, Families Together provides emergency relief for children and their families who might otherwise be forced to separate without our help. ERMANENT HOUSING PLACEMENT: Whether a family is staying in a partnering shelter, one of our shelter apartment units, or living in a low-cost motel or in a car, the main focus for Families Together is to get them into a home for good. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: This new strategic initiative was launched mid-2019 in response to our community’s growing affordable housing crisis. For more information, visit https://familiestogethernc.org/our-core-model.
Member Since: 2024